Spencer lofranco gay sex scene gif

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Spencer Lofranco is 1 of the famous people in our database with the age of 26 years old. He also has a position among the list of Most popular Movie Actor.

He is one of the Richest Movie Actor who was born in Canada. He has ranked on the list of those famous people who were born on October 18, 1992. On Popular Bio, He is one of the successful Movie Actor. He was honored with the Denver Film Festival Rising Star Award. He made his professional film debut in 2013 in the role of Conrad Hartman for the rom-com At Middleton. He starred alongside Mary-Louise Parker in Jamesy Boy. He also played the lead role in the film Jamesy Boy. A Canadian actor who co-starred as Harry Brooks in the 2014 film Unbroken. Spencer Lofranco was born in Toronto, Canada on October 18, 1992.

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